Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Actually "Doing"

 Here is a problem I have: self-motivation. Sound familiar? Have any of these sentences crossed your mind or said them out loud?

 “Oooh! I’m going to bake that!”

 “I’m going to read my Bible for at least fifteen minutes a day.”

 “No computer for a week!”

 “I’m going to write a novel.”

 “I’m starting a lemonade stand right now.”

   All of these things are great, but have I honestly achieved any of them (except for the baking; and the Bible reading only lasted a week a couple of days)? Oh, and by the way Pinterest doesn’t help the situation AT ALL! So what is the “secret ingredient"? Is it hopeless? Do you just have to be born with that awe-inspiring will to do?

  Before I go into detail, I also have another confession (this is really killing me), I struggle greatly with procrastination. Along with dreaming of things I want to do, I also put them off. “I’ll do it later, tomorrow, and, now that I think about it, it doesn’t sound very fun anyway.” I read a quote once that said:

“I will overcome procrastination, just wait.”

Although funny, it is sadly true. Once I realized I was a devout procrastinator I was going to conquer it. But, as you may have guessed I waited on that too! You know, “Ah, I’ll work on it later.”

How terrible can it get?!

 Anyway, back to that special ingredient. What does it take to do the things we set out to do and/or battle procrastination? Take fasting for example. Whenever you turn your thoughts on hunger you redirect them to prayer.

 Think about this. Every time you want to do something but “don’t have time”, evaluate the situation. Here are five things to ask yourself when wanting to do something but keep putting it off:

·        What am I doing instead?

·        Is what I’m doing really worth my time?

·        Is what I’m doing instead pleasing to God?

·        Am I glorifying him in the thing that I want/am doing?

·        What will bring me closer to my family and God instead of separating me?


        Trust me, these help! But, we have to pose another thought. How do you remember to think about these questions?

 Every time you pin a must-do craft or cooking idea or see it in a magazine etc. the first time the “I’m gonna do that!” thought pops into your head, catch yourself and think. You’ll end up with a whole pile of brownies and cookies, that unfinished masterpiece will be painted, and the dog shall be fed! And also, since you will be busy, other distraction won’t be as distractive!


  1. Wow... This is so me! I am one of the best procrastinators I know! :P I realize another cure: just do it. I did! It works. (Ironic thing: I am procrastinating this very minute... :P )Not that I actually follow that all the time, but I have.
    It is so worth it to not procrastinate. Now to get that in my head...

  2. Hmm... this sounds like a very familiar problem... :P

    Thank you for the reminder and encouragement. I actually did quite a bit better today. The living room's very clean. :D
