Tuesday, May 7, 2013

What Good is the Old Testament?

So as I read in the Old Testament I sometimes wonder why we even bother. As Christians we believe the new law…not the old one. Okay, the Old Testament is filled with good moral stories and, honestly, gives our Sunday school teachers a little more to talk about.

  I guess we can be thankful that we don’t have to live by all of those laws as listed endlessly in Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.

 But shouldn’t we focus our attention elsewhere to more important things like the New Testament? Doesn’t that seem more practical?

 It does at times, but how can you possibly eat peanut butter and jelly without the jelly? Or, worse, the peanut butter? Or have a best friend without knowing their past? It doesn’t work. Yes, you can go without those things and you would still have a sandwich and a friend but it sorta defeats the purpose.

 If you look closely, the Old Testament points directly to what is most important. The cross.

 Also, if we look at those “moral stories” as just stories they really are useless. But if you resurrect them to reality, to history, they become more intense and bewildering. They can also impact your life, like they have mine.

 I hate to admit it but I found myself wondering “God doesn’t speak to people through the Old Testament because it isn’t relevant! Hurry up and get on to the gospels so I can actually get something out of this!” But God can speak to people in many strange ways. Take the burning bush for example. I mean, come on, that would freak me out a little bit.

 However, I’m sure the Old Testament might be a more understandable route to comprehend. I don’t know about you, but personally, I’d rather God speak to me through something a little more normal, like the Old Testament, than a burning bush. Or a whirlwind. Or a dream. Just saying. We have to remember that it is in there for a divine purpose.
 One is to display the Bible’s perfect image and how it all ties together. And who wouldn’t want to miss those prophesies about a special Someone who is born 400 years after the foretelling???



  1. I'm glad you're seeing the value in the Old Testament. A lot of people don't, and it's quite sad... the Old Testament makes the New Testament make a lot more sense.

    For instance, if you haven't read through all the stuff about animal sacrifices for sin, Christ's sacrifice on the cross as the "Spotless Lamb of God" makes a lot less sense.

    "A lamb??? I'm pretty sure He was a person! And what does blood have to do with taking away sin?!"

    So yeah. That's one of the main reasons I think it's important to plow through all that stuff about how to cut up animals and all that. :D


  2. Yes, especially through the books of laws you miss seeing the value of every written word. It's awe-inspiring perfection is beyond magnitude! And, like you said, it points toward the cross :)
