Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Why Tuesdays?

  Tuesdays for me were the worst days of the week. My mom worked every Tuesday for what seemed like forever and it wasn’t a big deal until we started homeschooling. I wasn’t busy off at school, and I missed her!
 It seemed strange at the house (first of all because I wasn’t used to it) and secondly, it was hard on my dad.
Me and my brothers would go to work with him and at least do our math on the way, and our workbooks were checked occasionally.
  I dreaded every second day of the week for two more years until Mom stopped the Tuesday schedule.
  Although I have accumulated a more “positive outlook” I was always thinking, “If Monday is nothing to look forward to, Tuesdays are just another duplicate. 
  Except it's worse because you know you still have most of the week ahead of you!” (Note: Don’t take this thinking to heart J)
 Last year I began to ponder the strange new idea of blogging. By this time my faith had grown all the more rooted and I was always curious about “Christian things”. I always had a (random) fresh idea and wished to share them. But how?
 Honestly, I don’t have a personality to suddenly stand up in front of a crowd and start rattling off sermons. I avoided doing research for the longest time and kinda forgot about the whole phenomena. Besides, it was only a light thought anyway.Nothing serious.
  But soon these ideas started nagging at me and the writing topics started gathering into, what was it? Some I could put on a blog? No way. Not happening God, sorry for the disappointment but I’m not ready. Long story short: here I am!
  One night I was sitting in bed and I looked up blogging sites and, needless to say, I created Tweedia Tuesdays within a matter of fifteen minutes. I suppose that was my way of saying “Alright, I consent! I’ll do it!” And thus my prayer life has changed as well as my writing style.
Why Tweedia?

  This answer doesn’t have much significance, but I’ve been asked this more than once. So, just in case you were wondering…
  During my fifteen minutes of blog-creating I knew I wanted alliteration in the title. “Terrific Tuesdays” or “Triumphant Tuesdays” just wasn’t working out.
 They sounded too generic. Mom was sitting across from me in the bedroom and suddenly she exclaimed, “What about a flower?”
  The comment sounded flattering but my skeptical mind was thinking, Okay, we can try it. But I doubt anything would sound good. I mean, who’s ever heard of a flower that starts with the letter ‘T’? So, I typed in Google “Flowers that start with the letter T”
  At first the results were startling. “Tripterygium Tuesdays”? Really? We’re not talking about a science blog here. A little reluctantly I kept scrolling. I read the ones I could pronounce to Mom and she would either shake her head or give a curious tilt to the side. “Tweedia.” I said, losing a little hope.
“Yes! I like that one.”
I was a bit surprised but as the name rolled around, it did sound good. Of course my mother was right. She always is about that kind of thing. So "Tweedia Tuesdays" was born. The perfect name at last.




  1. Yay! You did it! You got over the First Post Hump! :D

    It looks lovely, and I like the formatting (big first letters and all).

    And I'm glad you obeyed God and started a blog. I for one am quite excited to read what He's been teaching you. :)

    Love you,

    P.S. I like the name Tweedia Tuesdays... it's unique and fun to say.

  2. Huzza! You posted!

    Now I understand why you didn't like Tuesdays. I am glad you are taking a negative feeling and turning it in to something positive. :) I am looking forward to future posts. It will be interesting to read your thoughts instead of hearing them. :)


  3. Hello!
    I thought to myself, What a perfect name for a blog! Tweedia Tuesdays!!! I cannot wait to read and visit here, and share your thoughts. I love meeting fellow bloggers! :-)
    Ps, Carissa sent me here, and I am so glad she did!
    In Christ, Faith


    1. Thank you!
      Would you post a link to your blog? I'd love to read it!

  4. Yay Nichole! You started a blog! I am looking forward to reading what you post! It will be kinda like you coming to writing class, only not quite. :)
    We missed you in class today. Cheryl and I gave Mrs. Ammerman a gift today. She thought it was so sweet of us. ;)
    I should pick a day to blog on. :)
    God bless!

  5. Hello Nichole! My blog is FoundaChristianbyHisGrace.blogspot.com It is mostly book reviews, of all Christian books, and I would love to have you visit! :-)
    In Him, Faith


    1. Wow! What a lovely blog, not to mention a spectacular idea :) I'll definitely be visiting more often <3

  6. Awww....and, Thank You! Glad to see you following the Lord's desire for you. Such insight whirling around in that beautiful head of yours. I look forward to your written words of encouragement, along with the ones late at night or on our many long drives! Now, lets go on an excursion to find a blooming Tweedia. Perhaps I should have said blossoming Tweedia, with an Australian accent it was much funnier in my head. Regardless, have fun with this blog and know I love you! :)

  7. By the way, I look forward to Tuesdays now as well, especially now ! God taught us ALL so many valuable lessons during that time. You can see His hand at work....He is always faithful! We just have to learn to listen, be patient, and be willing to be molded! Above all else, he didn't need "my" help.....He had a perfect plan all along. Doesn't He always! ;)
