Tuesday, May 28, 2013

On Being Made New

Who doesn’t love Goodwill? I mean, really. Whether you’re poor or go around with a million dollars in your pocket there’s just something about getting a particular item at an amazing price that’s exciting. Seriously, a name brand outfit for five bucks? Nowhere but consignment!

  But…to be brutally honest, I like new stuff better. Goodwill or Wal-Mart? Wal-Mart is a different atmosphere and things just are new. Personally, I like walking into a brightly lit, good-smelling place rather than a cigarette-stinking Goodwill that has shoes in a completely unkempt order and books that look like they’re about to fall apart (not to say that some are really nice, don’t get me wrong I love Goodwill!).

 To hold a dazzling new pair of sneakers in your hand is a little more pleasant than trying to hold recycled flip-flops away from your body until you can spray some Pledge into them.

 In life, have you noticed that we make that “unkempt appearance” acceptable? In the church today, many Christians liberate themselves to make so many allowances it is de-resurrected from a new building and slowly decays into one of those run-down Goodwill’s.  

 For example, America. How can the Pilgrims go from brave, God fearing, God seeking, men and women fleeing tyranny to little fuddy-duddies running away from government with their tail between their legs? The same for our founding fathers becoming a warped image of deists and completely ignorant politicians. Do you see where I’m going with this? We can say the same thing about the schooling system, marriage, and a moral standard.

   But, there is a loophole in this thrift-store lifestyle! God can rebuild shaky foundations or even ruined ones into the holy dwelling place it was meant to be. Imagine rebuilding a stinky Goodwill and turning it into a beautiful new store (rather than consignment shop).

 Repentance is the first step, and probably the hardest. Realizing that I’ve gone astray is really annoying to be honest. The enemy can be very deceptive in this area, giving excuses for being right and tricking your mind into thinking nothing is wrong. But simple, true, faith can clear those deadly thoughts and bring new life.

 With repentance comes forgiveness. The best part. Forgiveness is such a relief and very freeing. Being released from grief and sin is like loosening a choke collar that’s been strangling you for who-knows-how-long!

 Once we receive that forgiveness we have to decide what to do with it. Do we say “Awesome, I got forgiveness! Now…I think I’ll go back to what I was doing before” or do we say “Okay God, what now?”

 I know all about being a toppling Goodwill and have had to be remodeled tons of times. Yet, I still go back to being an old dump and the Carpenter has to keep coming back to renovate. A never-ending process. But that’s okay! As you go through your week, don’t be “good enough for a good deal” but steadfast with a solid foundation!


  1. It's pretty neat that you posted this when you did, because God was dealing with me almost exactly like you were talking about here yesterday. :) Quite hard, and not very fun, but so good in the end. Thank you for this post!


  2. Isn't it amazing how God can put things in life at the right time? Glad this post was encouraging!

  3. That was really good Nicole! Very true... I find myself getting impatient that I am not growing faster, but other times I get complacent and don't want to change. :P

    I just need to let Him work in His time. :)

    Thanks for the encouragement!
